
Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday Favorites #14: Week of 5/30/14

Good morning (or afternoon/evening depending on when you are seeing this)! It's Friday and I couldn't be happier! Anyone else with me?? Tomorrow is a day which has been much anticipated. A few days ago I mentioned my friend Heather, whose also our lovely Friday favorites host had asked me to run a 5k with her this weekend. I'm beyond excited! Continuing with's this week's faves!

--Shopping For Neon
The 5k we are participating in tomorrow is called Neon Dash - Live Bright Tour. The run itself is actually ran at night and we are sprayed with neon paint throughout. How cool is that?? But of course, there was a need to go out and look for all things neon too! Yesterday I went to 5 Below (have you heard of it before?) to see what I could find for us accessory wise. It was definitely a successful trip!

• bandanas
• nail polish
• bracelets 
• sports bra for under white tank top 
…and even neon playing cards for any downtime we may have! 

Things not pictured yet plan to have:
• long socks
• glow necklaces/bracelets 

--Bike Ride
On Monday my boyfriend and I went for a 10.6 mile bike ride. The weather was perfect and the fresh air felt amazing. About 4 miles of the ride consisted of dirt road accompanied by lots and lots of pot holes. Dodging them became a game! However, let's just say that if there was a point system I would have lost big time. I have the sore tush to attest! LOL. It was all in all peaceful except for that moment when we were almost attacked by a dog. He was not thrilled to have us biking by. After about 15 seconds, which seemed more like 5 minutes he retreated back to the house and we were on with our journey. My favorite part was our halfway ice cream stop! Such a blast. :)

P.S. Billy's shorts are not really that short…he was trying to be like me! #goofball

Over the weekend I got a little…ehh...okay, okay I got lobster status sunburnt. This resulted in aloe vera being a close friend of mine. Luckily we had various choices available in the bathroom cupboard! My go-to is the aloe lotion (pictured middle). I am not a fan on the sticky/slimy feeling of the cooling gel (pictured right). The blue bottle on the left is an after burn treatment by mark., which is made by Avon. I used this one for my face because I figured being made by a make-up company it would be less likely to break me out. I am happy to report it did not! Sadly, it appears this product is no longer made as I could not find it anywhere on the website.

--Popcorn Flavoring
Popcorn is not only a Friday favorite, but it is a daily favorite. If I could eat a bag of it everyday I would. For as long as I can remember popcorn has held a special place in my heart! When I went to make some on Tuesday night I discovered a couple seasonings. I have no idea how I was unaware they existed in our household. Maybe it was better I didn't know! I still need to try the ranch flavoring, although the nacho cheddar was a winner. When at the theatre I always gravitate to the caramel flavor if available. Sooo good! I also really want to try the cheesy jalapeño and garlic parmesan.

--It's Official
This week I received my diploma in the mail! For graduation my parents got me the beautiful frame you see below to display and keep it safe. I absolutely love how it looks. It will be hung with pride. 

--Post This Week
Quotes From The Big Screen on Tuesday 5/27/14:

And well, since we're about to say goodbye to May...

--Most Loved This Month
Making progress on the post-grad TV show list! 

--Popular Post This Month
Overthinking on Thursday 5/15/14:

Duck. Duck. Goose. You're it! 

What have you loved this week? Past month?

❤ Nichole 


  1. Good luck with your Neon Dash. That sounds like so much fun! I'm running my first 5K next weekend and I'm a liiitle nervous.

    1. Hope it went well! I loved seeing your collage of it on Instagram!

  2. Have fun on the 5k! I hope so much to do one soon! Before 2014 is up!

    1. Hopefully you can do one soon! Maybe once school finishes up and there's a little more free time. I really want to do a half-marathon sometime in the near future! A few friends of mine are doing one in October I believe but I don't think Id be ready.

  3. Can't wait for this weekend! And those popcorn seasonings... Yum! Happy Friday! :)

    1. They make popcorn that much more addicting!

  4. You HAVE to try the Hawaiian Tropic after sun silk hydration lotion! It's an aloe mixed with lotion and is so refreshing and non-greasy on the skin! It sounds like you guys had a rather eventful bike ride! Ice cream stop in the middle sounds like a great idea though!

    1. I will have to check that hydration lotion out for sure! Sounds right up my alley! The ice cream definietly was perfection! Lol

  5. The neon dash sounds really fun! I did a Glow Run a few years ago and put glow in the dark paint in my hair-it took FOREVER to wash out!

    Great idea to stop half way for ice cream on your bike ride. I need to work that into all of my bike rides!

    I have been loving the sun lately-walks with the pup, running outside, sand volleyball, lake time, and even a little pool time.

    1. The sun has been wonderful! Even in a short amount of time I feel spoiled because gloomy days I find myself wishing for the sun to come out! Sand volleyball sounds fun! I've never really played volleyball...always more so stood there lol. I just can't get the trick of the wrists!

  6. I love the Banana Boat lotion! Not gonna lie though I was a little disappointed when it didn't smell like bananas haha :) xx

    1. That would be something wouldn't it! They should think about incorporating it into at least one type of a lotion they sell to test!

  7. I would love to do a colour/neon run like that! I've not seen many in the UK though but I've heard loads about them from American blogs, tough mudders are getting popular here at the moment so hopefully colour runs will be next!

    Corinne x

    1. We have a race called the warrior dash that I really want to try! People come out just covered in mud lol. Seems fun! Hopefully color/neon runs come to you guys soon! Or your next trip over you could plan around one or something!

  8. Love Five Below, perfect store for events like the race! Have fun at the Neon Dash! Sounds so fun!!

    1. It's so wonderful! 5 below is my first stop for anything - can't beat the deals and they have so much!

  9. Those popcorn seasonings are awesome. I like to use the ranch in my quinoa bowls, and others to season my eggs & poultry. So versatile. Have fun at the Neon Dash :)

    1. I've honestly never thought of using the seasoning for other things besides popcorn! I'll have to try that!
