
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Bedtime Snacks

Since I've been having some insomnia lately I decided to look up different things that can help you sleep better at night! While I was searching I came across an article on Readers Digest that listed off 16 helpful foods. 

1) Walnuts
- good source of tryptophan 
    • sleep-enhancing amino acid
- contain own source of melatonin
2) Almonds
- rich in magnesium 
    • mineral needed for quality sleep

3) Cheese and Crackers
- tryptophan is found in dairy 
- calcium helps to trigger melatonin
4) Lettuce
- contains lactucarium
    • has sedative properties 
5) Pretzels 
- high glycemic index which causes natural spike in blood sugar and insulin
    • increase helps tryptophan enter brain 

6) Tuna
- high in vitamin B6
    • body needs to make melatonin and seratonin 
- other foods high in B6: raw garlic and pistachio nuts

7) Rice
- like pretzels also has a high glycemic index
- jasmine rice particularly brings sleep on fastest 

8) Cherry Juice
- naturally boost levels of melatonin

9) Cereal 
- has carbohydrates and calcium
    • 2 components for sleep

10) Chamomile Tea
- causes an increase of glycine
    • helps relax nerves

11) Passionfruit Tea
- filled with Harman Alkaloids - chemical found in flower
    • acts on nervous system to make you tired

12) Honey
- natural sugar slightly raises insulin 
- try mixing it with chamomile tea

13) Kale
- loaded with calcium
- other good options: spinach and mustard greens


14) Shrimp and Lobster
- good source of tryptophan

15) Hummus
- another good source of tryptophan

16) Elk
- this meat has twice the amount of tryptophan as turkey

Questions of the day:
1) What sleep tricks work best for you?
2) Which of these things are your favorite?
3) Are there any you want to try?

❤ Nichole 

>>Linking up with Jenn<<


  1. It should be no surprise after yesterdays post, that tuna is one of my favorites from this post! :) Hope you end up figuring out something to help you sleep better girl.

    1. It took me the longest time to come around to tuna but once I did I was glad to have! It is so tasty!

      Thank you<3 I was interested to find some natural remedies! I definietly will be trying many of these out!

  2. Cheese and crackers and cereal are my personal favs, although I didn't realize that it was a beneficial bedtime snack! Cool post!

    Best wishes, Danielle.

    1. I didn't either! Cereal made me real excited cause it's my go to snack!

  3. Bring on the pretzels! I never knew they were considered beneficial for sleep. I'll admit the only 1 1/2 foods from these you listed I regularly eat around bedtime are almonds [almond butter for me] and chickpeas [that counts as the 1/2 because they're almost hummus, right?].
    Non-foodwise my best trick to ensure a sound night of sleep is unplugging at least 45 minutes before bed. I'm still working on it, though.

    1. Pretzel as are really good! I really enjoy them in hummus so I want to try that for sure!

      Chickapeas were mentioned under hummus so Id say you're good!!

      I've tried that too, it's just so hard:( when I'm having a hard time sleeping I always reach for something cause I don't like just laying staring! I'm working on it too though!

  4. This post is awesome! I went through the worst bought of insomnia over the summer and it was awful because I felt like I tried everything and nothing made a difference! I loooove jasmine rice, so good to know it has some added benefits :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I'm sorry about you bought with it! I go through phases of it at times. It's no fun! But I'm definietly interested in giving some of these a try!

  5. Hope you start sleeping better! I always like having a herbal tea before I go to bed they're always so soothing :) xx

    1. Thanks girl! Yes is certInly going to be tried! I had forgotten about Chanomile until I was reading the article for the post!

  6. I find it interesting that cereal is on this list when we usually eat this in the morning as breakfast...

    1. I found it interesting too!! It said the combo of carbs and calcium was helpful to trigger natural melatonin! I was excited though cause I definietly love my cereal!
