
Thursday, May 22, 2014

{Practical} Life Tips

I remember when I was younger hearing the acronym KISS - keep it simple silly. It is something that has stuck with me and comes to mind often. Life is complicated and honestly, it always will be. So, it's up to us to simplify what we can, when we can. It's hard, yet worth continually working on.

There are many "tips" out there that sound easier to do then they actually are in reality. This is why I always get excited when I come across a set that seems attainable. Over the past week or so I've felt the need to search for some extra pick-me-ups. Throughout my googling, I discovered a set of practical life tips and knew it would be just right for this Thursday's link-up with Amanda!

1. If you do not go after what you want, you'll never have it.
The only person who can keep us from going after what we want is us ourselves. We tend to point the finger at outside sources, but ultimately the decision is ours. Fear can be a major reason why we fall short. The thing is though... If we don't take the risk we will not have a chance of every getting where we want. Yet if we do, we end up having 2 possible outcomes; succeeding or being where we were to begin with. Don't be afraid to take the first step, who knows where it'll lead you.

2. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no. 
There is no way for others to know what you want or need without taking the time to communicate. Now, just because we make the effort to ask that does not mean the answer will be yes. We still will be told no. The thing is though, that by not asking at all we are guaranteed to never get a yes.

3. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.
Take our cars for example: if we do not push the gas the car does not accelerate, if we do not accelerate there's no chance of reaching our destination. The same goes for us. We all will have our setbacks, but the important thing is deciding to "press the gas," instead of staying idle. Each of us have a future awaiting and to get there we have to just put one foot in front of the other.

Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday!

Questions of the Day:
1) What things do you do when in need of a pick-me-up?
2) Are these three tips something you find useful?
3) What types of tips help you simplify life?

❤ Nichole 


  1. When I need a pick me up I always remind myself that the most important things in life aren't things. I saw that on a poster somewhere and I liked it. What's important are family and friends not what you have or don't have or what you think you should have accomplished, but haven't yet. Ultimately, those things don't matter when you have people who love you and and people in your life that you love.

    1. Absolutely! I love that saying you shared. My moms always told me growing up if you can't count the important people in your life on one hand you're blessed - meaning it's not about how many or how's who. Just like you said!

  2. Awesome tips, lady! I remember coming across the quote that you fail at every opportunity you don't take, and that one really stuck with me. Yes it sucks to try something and fail, but it sucks more to look back years down the road and realize that you've been holding yourself back from the kind of like that you want to have. Besides, even failures are an opportunity to learn and grow.

    1. They really are and I always remind myself that when I fall short. I try to think about what I leaned from trying. And that in itself is more then never trying to begin with. I remember watching A Cinderella Story and seeing at the end never let the fear of strinking out keep you from playing the game.. Very similar to what you said and that's always stuck with me too<3

  3. Great advice :) The 1st one is so true,I really need to remember that I have the power to reach my goals.When I need a pick me up,I love to talk it out with people,I find sharing my problems really therapeutic.When life gets on top of me I just think "these moments will pass" and happier times will come.It really helps keep me in a positive frame of mind.x

    1. I think that's really important to remember.. To remember the moments are temporary and life will go on. Awesome for you for talking it out! I tend to internalize more often then not but have gotten better at talking it out then and there as compared to later!

  4. I love this. This is such simple but important advice that is definitely worth repeating every once in a while because we do tend to forget. I really like your gas pedal analogy - it makes so much sense!

    1. Agreed, the simplest things definietly are the ones that are easiest to forget! When I was reading that third one and thinking about how to expand on it that's what popped through my head and it made so much more 'practical' sense to me!

  5. I love these tips especially the first one - I'm guilty of not going for things in case I fail but really trying to just go for it anyway!! If I'm feeling stressed or need a pick me up I find getting some fresh air alone helps me to de-stress as does pilates. I always just think everything happens for a reason and something better will come along if I'm feeling like nothing is going right :)

    A Blonde Moment

    1. I really want to start doing yoga for that reason! I've heard it is so relaxing. Going out for 'you time' in the fresh air for a walk etc is a great idea! 100% with you on remembering everything happens for a reason!

  6. This is great! I find myself getting stuck with #3. I know what I want and I know I could do it, I just need to take that step our of my comfort zone and go all in! The worst is that I can fail, but it will teach me and I will learn!

    1. Exactly<3 in the end it becomes a win win even when we fail if we let it. We can learn so much. It's just deciding to take that leap in the first place.

  7. Amazing tips! My favorite is number one! It's so true, if you want something you need to go for it! Thank you for sharing!

    1. One seemed to be most popular! And definietly! We're the only ones who can get what we want...we may try, but no one can do it for us.

  8. So so so true! :) Love this post

  9. I usually feel like I just kind if ignore your questions of the day, I really don't mean to :( but I always feel the need to leave a comment :) if you don't step forward you really will always be in the same place...pretty obvious but very accurate too :) xxx

    1. I just appreciate your comments!! The questions of the day are just to try to provoke thought:) So no worries lovely, I appreciate you taking the time to leave one at all! And agreed - obvious, yet accurate!
