
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Trying Something New

For quite some time my mom and I have been talking about wanting to start taking yoga. As of recent I have been coming across more and more different pins/articles making me want to actually take the leap. One article in particular which caught my eye was about different yoga poses that can help with daily things we all encounter. I instantly bookmarked the page knowing that I would personally be coming back, but also because the next thought on my mind was it would be great to share with you. Now I am by no means a yoga expert. In all honesty right now the most I have done is that which is included on Wii fit, so please use your own discretion when attempting these poses. 

Pose for Anxiety: Pranayama Breathing
How to:
  -sit with legs crossed comfortably resting your hands palm up on your knees
  -close eyes and inhale slowly for 6 counts and pause 2 counts before exhaling 
  -exhale slowly for 6 counts then pause 2 counts before starting again
  -repeat for 10 minutes
Helps how:
  -slow, deep breathing can help to shut down your system's fight-or-flight state
  -creates sense of rest and relaxation 


Pose for Headache: Reclining Cobbler
How to: 
  -sit and put soles of feet together, knees pointing out to the side 
  -recline so your back is flat to the floor and place your hands on your belly
  -take 20 long and slow breaths in and out
Helps how:
  -relieves tension in face, neck, back and hips - a prime cause of headaches


Pose for Trouble Sleeping: Legs Up the Wall
How to: 
  -sit with your body facing a wall
  -place your feet on the wall and wiggle your body forward until your butt touches the wall
  -take slow, deep breaths 
  -relax in this position for at least 5 minutes prior to bed
Helps how:
  -is a modified inversion which allows nervous system to relax


Pose for Back Pain: Sphinx to Child's Pose
How to: 
  -lay on stomach with legs extended propped up on your forearms - elbows directly under shoulders
  -pull belly in tight, contracting your thighs, pushing into forearms as pushing chest upward
  -hold for 30 seconds then lower self to starting position
  -repeat 3 times
  -after the last time slide hips back to heels and extend arms out (child's pose)
  -hold here for 2 minutes
Helps how:
  -sphinx pose aligns the spine 
  -child's pose is a soothing stretch for the lower back

Source 1 - Source 2

Pose for Tummy Trouble: Wind Removing Pose
• How to:
  -lie on your back bringing knees to chest and wrapping arms over shins
  -hold while inhaling and exhaling slow and deep 20 times
• Helps how:
  -gentle pressure this places on belly can help to regulate GI


Pose for Bloating: Spine Twist
• How to:
  -lay on back with arms out to the side at the height of your shoulders, legs extended 
  -bend and lift right knee to chest keeping left on the floor 
  -turn head to the side so you are looking over your right shoulder 
  -lower right knee across your body to the left - place left hand on knee for deeper stretch
  -hold for several breaths
  -switch sides and repeat
• Helps how:
  -twists are believed to aid in digestion
  -works the abs


Pose for Depressed Mood: Bridge
• How to:
  -lying on your back place feet hip-width apart with arms palm down on the floor
  -press into your feet lifting hips in the air - peel up slowly  
  -hold at the top for 5 breaths then slowly roll down
  -do 3 times
• Helps how:
  -back bends are considered energizing poses 


Pose for Sinus Pressure: Downward Facing Dog
• How to:
  -begin in child's post with arms extended to the front 
  -press palms into the floor, curl toes under and lift hips up and back - forming an inverted V shape 
  -hold for 5 slow, deep breaths then lower back to child's pose
  -repeat at least one more time
• Helps how:
  -some pressure can be alleviated by being slightly upside down
  -promotes drainage


**for us women**
Pose for PMS: Cow/Cat
How to: 
  -begin on hands and knees placing hands under shoulders and knees under hips
  -inhale letting your belly sink towards the floor (cow) and pause
  -exhale and reverse arching your back up (cat) and pause
  -do this for a total of 20 times each way
Helps how:
  -recommended as a way to ease abdominal cramping 


And lastly here's a little yoga inspired giggle for the day!


Questions of the Day:
1) Do you do currently do yoga?
2) If not, is it something you have interest in? 
2) Which pose would you find most helpful in daily life?


❤ Nichole 


  1. I just pinned this! Thanks for sharing. I get a lot of tension headaches so I'm going to try the reclining cobbler next time. Any thing that relieves tension and relaxes my muscles usually helps.

    1. I'm sorry to hear you get a lot of tension headaches :(( No fun at all. Hopefully it will help even if just a little. I tend to get bad headaches when the weather changes suddenly so that is one I made a mental note of myself too! As well as the one for sleeping!

  2. Fab post! Gonna share it on my facebook page!
    When I was in high school and went through a tough time, my councilor suggested yoga and meditation and I did alot of these. Would love to get back into it so I guess this is my opportunity! :)

    1. Aww, thanks so much for sharing this Danielle! I really appreciate it! We can start together!

  3. Yoga is great! You'll love it! It also helps with sports performance as well! :)

    1. Yea! I'm definitely excited for how I've heard it can improve flexibility too. Perfection for dance!

  4. Yes! Embrace yoga Nicole! I couldn't live without it in my life now :)

    1. I want to start by making time to do it at least once a week just to get into it, unless of course it is one of these types for a specific thing! Eventually working to having it become a larger part of life - like you!

  5. I tried all of these and if someone as old as me can do them! Gotta be easy! I'll let you know how the legs up the wall works for sleep tonight! thanks - ok now to a real Yoga class!!

    1. Definitely! Or one of the yoga video workouts we have!

  6. You'll have to continue sharing your yoga experiences as you go on. I'd love to hear more of your thoughts, Nichole <3

    1. Thank you Jessie! I will make sure to do so!

  7. All of these poses seem really helpful. I haven´t done Yoga before as there are no groups near to me but I think I´ll love trying these poses out!
    xx Lisa

    Following Lisa

    1. Sending luck your way when you try them out!

  8. This is such a great & detailed post! I've done Yoga a few times but always have a really hard time being able to relax as much as I should!

    1. Do you listen to music while you do? Although I don't know from personal experience, but maybe some type soothing music would help! I listen to pump up when I'm running and such to keep me going so the opposite may work here to help relax you!

  9. These are great! I'm just now really getting into yoga and it's been a great way for me to unwind and relax after work.

    I love pigeon pose, it really helps me stretch out after an intense lower body workout. :) Also, once i finish all of my workouts or just had a stressful day i love doing just a total relaxation pose where you lie on your back and relax every single muscle in your body. It made me realize how tense I always am.. even down to my eyelids and eyebrows! Sarah Beth Yoga on Youtube has helped me a lot, definitely recommend her channel.

    1. Thanks for sharing this with me Michelle!! I'm definitely going to looking to the two poses you mentioned.. The totally relaxation one sounds like perfection! I also am going to subscribe to that YouTube channel!

  10. What a great post! I've heard of yoga being used for flexibility, weight loss, etc. but I had no idea it could be used to help so many different ailments!

    1. I had really only ever heard about it for increasing flexibility too so that's why when I came across the article that talked about all these I instantly was like "I need to start asap!"

  11. So many things I've googled recently have had the solution "yoga is really good for this, try x, y, z pose" so it was funny to click on here and have this come up! I think the universe is trying to tell me something. Definitely going to give it a go :)

    1. Hahaha, that is really funny! What a coincidence:) I think the universe was telling me similar when I originally stumbled upon this too! Good luck!

  12. I know yoga is so, so good for you!! I need to commit to do it more often!! Thanks for sharing. Easy and simple tutorials. Great post!

    1. Thank you Elizabeth! That was one thing I loved about these too. They seemed easy enough to do and can be helpful for some of the things that affect us most throughout the days.

  13. I had my first yoga class last week, after wanting to practice it for years - for both health and personal reasons. I was surprised at how much I struggled; I was wobblign all over the place and never realised how little balance I had. I would love to do it again though.

    Jo xx

    She Wears Burgundy

    1. Yea I have heard how tough it can be! I hope you enjoyed it though, which is seems you did if you want to do it again! :))

  14. I don't do yoga, I have wanted to before but never actually done it :) I'm definitely going to be liking this post & checking back :) xxx

    1. I have done the one for back pain after working out quite a few times and I love the feel of the stretch! Good luck when you check back to try!
