Monday, March 2, 2015

MIMM #23 {Stopping By To Say Hi}

Hey ya'll! I just wanted to pop in this morning and say hi and that I hope your weekends were wonderful. Mine was so much fun working NCA/NDA Nationals. :) I am currently traveling home, but cannot wait to do a recap post of all the events later on this week. I wanted to try to get one complete before I left Dallas yet I should of known with how full the days were I wasn't going to be able to. Have to have high hopes though right?? I'm actually posting this one from safari on my phone, first time ever doing so. With that being said sorry for the lack of formating and pictures! 

Even though this MIMM is a little unconventional still let me know what you did this weekend!

Have a great Monday!  

xoxo, Nichole 

Linking up with Katie


  1. I'm over from the linkup! I spent the weekend getting some stuff done around the house. Not the most exciting, but sometimes it has to be done. Safe travels.

    1. Hi Julie! Thank you for stopping by! Productive weekends like that are always nice though! Leave you feeling accomplished to start the week!


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