I have always loved writing for as long as I
can remember. When I was younger I would sit and write short stories or poems
whilst my friends would prefer to sit and watch cartoons and movies.

I am
currently in my third year of university - due to graduate in the summer
(fingers crossed!!) - and I finally know what I want to do with my life. Well,
saying that, I'm not exactly 100% sure but I am pretty certain. The media
degree I have studied has been all theory and essay based. A lot of people
outside of my course have wondered how we enjoy it so much - 'all essays and no
practical work? You must be mad!', they would say. But no, it's only mad if you
don't enjoy writing. For me it was perfect.
I really want to go into writing as
a career which is one of the reasons I have set up my blog. I'm not sure
if I want to write feature articles in newspapers, in magazines or online
etc yet, but I do know that I want to go into some form of writing in the media
I decided to set up my blog in March this
year in order to help me gain more confidence and experience in my writing. I
thought it would be a fantastic opportunity for me to develop my writing
further, and it honestly has. I have only been blogging two months, but I have
thoroughly enjoyed it. I have met some of the most amazing people, gained a new
love for things that I wouldn't have thought twice about before blogging and I
have grown so much more positive and confident in both myself and my writing.
The one thing I am a bit annoyed at myself
for though, is not telling any of my family and friends about my blog. I really
want to share it with them, but I just don't have the confidence yet. I'm
positive that they would support my blog, whether they like what I write or
not, but I just haven't had the courage to share it with them and tell them
about it yet. I think mostly it is because I'm afraid of being judged. In
person, I am pretty shy and find it difficult to speak my mind in case I get
judged in a negative manner. I suppose everything takes time though and I will
soon have the confidence to share my writing with people who know me
My blog doesn't just focus on one particular
topic, it covers a range of different things. I have written book reviews,
opinionated posts, posts about myself and my day-to-day life and posts which my
readers are able to relate to. Due to having university deadlines since I began
blogging, I have also had many guest posts on my blog too - one of which was
Nichole. All the guest posts were absolutely wonderful and really
interesting so I was so thankful I could share them on my blog. Even though my
deadlines have now finished, I still welcome guests to write posts for me to
publish as I believe it is a fantastic opportunity for them to get noticed
more, as well as being a pleasure for me to share too.
I can honestly say that joining the blogging
community has been one of the best decisions I have made this year. Everyday I
wake up looking forward to connecting with other bloggers, sharing posts with
them and most of all, reading their wonderful posts.
I would like to say a massive thank
you to Nichole for giving me the chance to feature on her blog :)
You can find my blog at - smallgirlbigdreams1993
And also find me on twitter at - @bigdreams1993
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